Independent online content creator.
Certified indie, retro and modern retro enthusiast.
Cute Pet Pictures!
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Thanks for writing! I'll endeavour to get back to you ASAP.
Twitch Chat Commands
New ones get added sometimes so check back regularly.
!schedule - Shows you my normal streaming schedule.!rules - Shows the channel rules.!quote - Picks a random hilarious (and usually out of context) quote that my mods have grabbed from past streams and shows it in chat.!clips - Shows you how to trigger a 30 second clip capture. See previous clips right here.!parabucks - Shows how many Parabucks you have. You get them just by hanging out!!buygames - Shows you info on my affiliate links which you can use to support the channel when you buy games.!lurk - Tells chat that you've stepped away from the keyboard.!unlurk - Tells chat that you've returned to your keyboard.!lastvod - Gives you a link to my most recent VoD.!uptime - Shows how long the current stream has been running for.!followage - Shows how long you've been following my channel.!joined - Shows when you joined Mixer.!sparks - Shows how many Mixer Sparks you have accumulated.!level - Shows your account level on Mixer.!games - Lists out all the different chat games to gamble your Parabucks with your fellow viewers.!dadjoke - Tells a random Dad Joke. I am not responsible for any groan induced injuries.!gamerscore <GAMERTAG> - Shows the Xbox GamerScore of the specified GamerTag.!el - Shows you info on how to donate to my Extra Life campaign.!youtube - Shows you info on my YouTube channel.!twitter - Shows you info on my Twitter.!discord - Shows you info on my Discord community. Everyone's welcome!
Affiliate Links
Use these when you buy games to support my channel and help me get access to more cool stuff to show you. Make sure to turn off your ad blocker first.Better yet, bookmark them and they'll work every time!Click on the logos to go to the links.
My Pets
Who on the Internet doesn't love cute critters? Well, I've got some of the cutest in the game if you need to brighten up your day.Each of the links below goes to a photo gallery. New pics are added regularly so check back often.
Content Standards
(Updated August 28, 2023)
Despite being a small creator, I believe that it's important to have standards and ethics in order to make sure I'm serving you as best I can. The trust of my audience is critical, and my hope is that these standards will help earn and maintain it.1. I only cover stuff I like or that I think my audience might like.2. I won't cover something just to be negative about it.3. I disclose any incentives in my content, be they as large as a sponsorship or as small as a press code.4. I never give a dishonest opinion for any incentive.5. I take requests for coverage, but can never guarantee it.6. I do my best to not promote companies and products that I believe are largely immoral or unethical.7. I will make mistakes, it's inevitable. When I do, I will own them and do my best to correct them.8. I am open to criticism, but never tolerate abuse.If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me.